mur images zooms 2018

Zooms 2018

Discover the Salon de la Photo's 9th edition of the Zooms competition!

To encourage and highlight the craft of photography, the Salon de la Photo initiated in 2010 the "ZOOMS", two prizes awarded by the public, and the photo press. The results will be proclaimed on October 2 2018.

Nine editors in chief of the photography press each designated an emerging photographer (whether French or based in France).

Headed by photographer Jean GAUMY, the jury has chosen the following talents:

Delphine DIALLO, introduced by Eric Karsenty, editor in chief, Fisheye
Cédric ROUX, introduced by Gérald Vidamment, editor in chief, Compétence Photo
Allyssa HEUZE, introduced by Stéphane Brasca, editor in chief, de l’air
Nahia GARAT, introduced by Yann Garret, editor in chief, Réponses Photo
Pascal RIVIERE, introduced by Vincent Trujillo, editor in chief, Le Monde de la Photo
Arthur CRESTANI, introduced by Agnès Grégoire, editor in chief, Photo
Chloé SHARROCK, introduced by Didier de Faÿs, editor in chief,
Antoine BIRON, introduced by Renaud Labracherie, editor in chief, Focus Numérique
Pierre GELY-FORT, introduced by Dimitri Beck, editor in chief, Polka

Take some time to discover and enjoy the work of each of the 9 photographers and give your favorite candidate your vote so (s)he can be displayed at the Salon de la Photo in Paris next to the two laureates of Japan's CP+ Editors's Awards 2017.

Fisheye: Delphine DIALLO

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Introduced by Eric Karsenty - Fisheye

Vote for Delphine DIALLO

Compétence Photo: Cédric ROUX

cédric roux zooms 2018

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Introduced by Gérald Vidamment - Compétence Photo

Vote for Cédric ROUX

De L'Air: Allyssa HEUZE

zooms allyssa heuze

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Introduced by Stéphane Brasca - De l'Air

Vote for Allyssa HEUZE

Réponses Photo: Nahia GARAT

nahia garat zoom 2018

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Introduced by Yann Garret - Réponses Photo

Vote for Nahia GARAT

Le Monde de la Photo: Pascal RIVIERE 

pascal riviere zooms 2018

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Introduced by Vincent Trujillo - Le Monde de la Photo

Vote for Pascal RIVIERE

Magazine Photo: Arthur CRESTANI

arthur crestani zooms

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Introduced by Agnès Grégoire - Magazine Photo

Vote for Arthur CRESTANI Chloé SHARROCK

chloé sharrok

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Introduced by Didier de Faÿs -

Vote for Chloé SHARROCK

Focus Numérique: Antoine BIRON

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Introduced by Renaud Labracherie - Focus Numérique

Vote for Antoine BIRON

Polka : Pierre GELY-FORT

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Introduced by Dimitri Beck - Polka

Vote for Pierre GELY-FORT

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